Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Shot in the studio again today. This time it was with a charming young lady named Zailey.

This little lady was on the go the entire shoot. Her mamma gets one good workout from miss Zailey!

Zailey had a fun time playing hide and seek!

Who knew that a baby could have so much personality?

She also thought it was pretty neat taking the flowers out of her hair. They looked pretty either way.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Marshall and Elizabeth

Today I had the pleasure of photographing Marshall and Elizabeth.  They were so well behaved and so quiet! Usually kids their age are all over the place. I told their mother Jo that I absolutely love photographing Military kids because they are the best behaved children ever! It was a fun shoot.

Jo asked Marshall if he could say "hi" to me. This looked like a salute to me! 
Loved this shot.

Miss Elizabeth has the most stunning eyes.  At First during our shoot she was very shy. She ended up giving me a couple high fives though, even when her older brother wouldn't.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Amanda Klodt was our contest winner!

Congratulations goes out to Amanda Klodt! Pink Poppies Photography held a contest and she was our winner! The contest was to tell your story, and the person with the most likes wins.

kayleigh and Bentley were such a joy to photograph. Little Bentley didn't cry once, and his big sister was such a great helper!